Have you ever heard about it?
Well approximately 10 years ago I did some research on it and there’s quite a bit of information on the internet about it and its possible health benefits. I became really intrigued by this beautiful pink salt. As I already knew of so many health and beauty benefits of using salt. Like most natural substances it needs to be used correctly.
I often say, do what works (resonates) for you!!
I switched to using Himalayan salt almost exclusively as my seasoning salt in the kitchen back then and still do, but what is SOLE and what do I ACTUALLY think about the health claims surrounding it…?????
Sole in essence is a fully saturated Himalayan salt water solution, basically to the point where no more salt can dissolve in the water. What would you do with this, you may ask? Well this is where my personal beliefs may differ a bit from what you might find on the internet.
Firstly, people claim that a teaspoon of this solution added to a glass of water first thing in the morning and drunk on an empty stomach has a multitude of health benefits. Well this is probably in part true….
I would NOT recommend it!!!
The reason being is it tastes awful!!! I love salt and have a “SALT” tooth. The best part of a Margarita cocktail is licking the salt rim while sipping away, but I absolutely could not stomach Sole in water at all. I would add a squeeze of lemon to the water in the hope’s that it would help it taste better, but man… it didn’t help at all. It was just toooo salty. I tried this once or twice a week for two weeks and my rational mind just could not find the benefits of doing this to myself. (I don’t know maybe it’s different for you, so feel free to give it a go)
So the question I asked is why is this supposed to be sooo good for you? Well the thing is our bodies do need salt but most of us actually take in too much of it already… so why on earth would I force myself to drink a glass full of what tasted like the ocean? They say Himalayan salt is full of many minerals, as much as 84 different trace minerals in fact. These minerals are often lacking in our diet and this is where the actual health benefits come in… that as well as when your electrolytes are off balance it’s not good for your health and equilibrium. I will go into electrolyte balance further at the end of this post.
So in my mind I figured. Surely I will be getting these trace minerals in my system if I just switch to using this salt in my food. A WAY more enjoyable way to get my trace minerals in!
So now I probably have you confused. What would I actually use sole for then? And why have I even mentioned it here. Well Himalayan salt solution an amazing antibacterial and antiseptic. What can it be used for?
- To disinfect any cut or wound (no need for Dettol) apply it directly to the wound as a rinse or to a bandage/cloth that can be applied to the area.
- Can be used diluted as an eye rinse for sty’s and other eye infections. Put some in a shot glass, place it over the eye and bathe the eye in the solution for a minute or two.
- As a mouth wash and gargle (this is my favourite) I add in a few drops of tea tree and peppermint to it. It tastes nicer and adds to the benefits. *Just give it a good shake before use. Take a small amount directly from the bottle into your mouth and swirl it around in your mouth for 30 seconds and spit it out into the basin. (way better than swallowing it) My Oral hygienist actually said that this is way better than expensive mouthwash. Oral health, it’s of utmost importance and a good oral health sets the tone for the health of your whole body.
*Oh and did you know that certain things are actually absorbed into your system through the salivary glands in your mouth. This is one of the principals of how homeopathic medicines are absorbed. So I figure at least some of the trace minerals must be getting absorbed in the same way, well at least that’s my theory.
So let’s finish off by quickly talking about electrolytes. Did you know that the product REHYDRATE is basically a mixture of salts and flavorings? So just by taking 1 teaspoon of SOLE in a glass of 100% orange juice you are making a homemade and more natural version of that shop bought stuff. I say orange juice because not only does it taste way better but there is just something about orange juice that has a balance of flavors and health benefits when you just not feeling well. So next time you are dehydrated, whether it be from vomiting, diarrhea or a hangover, just mix in some Himalayan salt/sole into your orange juice and you will be feeling better in no time. Also remember to drink more water of course!!
Read the article as featured on 041online.mag